Friday, January 30, 2009

Shekinah Glory Ministries - Praise & Worship

Good evening, all. I'm finding out I'm more of a night person than I realized since updating this blog on a regular basis.

Tonight I wanted to introduce you to a group called Shekinah Glory Ministries out of the midwestern part of the USA. They are part of a new wave of ministers within the traditionally black church that sing mostly praise & worship selections not during what is called 'devotion' time but as part of the main service. In the case of this group they have now released three CD/DVD sets that encompass a full fledged praise & worship session. Usually in the gospel field you won't see a group this large except if they're doing the more traditional choir selections like the _________ Mass Choir [fill in the blank with your favorite state name, and you'll have it]. But the focus of this group, as well as other groups like Tye Tribett & Greater Annointing, Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ, is to bring the whole congregation into the actual presence of God during the service. For many years persons would attend services with the expectation of being entertained by the choir, but they would take on a passive role and not participate in the service. Take a look at this video of the song "Yes", and see if you could stay in your seat.

With that, I wish you a good night's rest. See you tomorrow!

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